Don McMillan — A PowerPoint Proposal

1 min readMar 18, 2019

If you haven’t heard of Don McMillan and you use Microsoft PowerPoint, I highly encourage you to seek him out. His videos on YouTube are priceless. I came across the following years ago and posted it to my Microsoft blog (which has since disappeared). Thanks to the Internet Wayback Machine, I can pickup critical things like this that I have shared with people over the years.

This video is a great example of how to use PowerPoint (and just because you can use PowerPoint doesn’t mean you should use PowerPoint). It’s about 3 minutes in length — 1st minute shows a good presentation without PowerPoint, (but I DO NOT condone PowerPoint for this type of proposal EVER) then a bad presentation example and tips on how/when/why to use PowerPoint.

If you enjoy this, you should check out his Life and Death by PowerPoint videos on his YouTube Channel.




Microsoft 365 geek living, working and breathing technology. Gadget, music and movie obsessed.